IIBM MBA CASE LET ANSWER SHEETS – The perceptions people from about society

IIBM MBA CASE LET ANSWER SHEETS – The perceptions people from about society

IIBM MBA CASE LET ANSWER SHEETS – The perceptions people from about society




+91 95030-94040


Organizational Behaviour

Part one:
Multiple choice:
I.Scientific Management approach is developed by (1)
  1. a) Elton Mayo
  2. b) Henry Fayol
  3. c) F.W. Taylor
  4. d) A. Maslow
  1. What sort of goals does Management by Objectives (MBO) emphasize? (1)
  1. a) Tangible, verifiable and measurable
  2. b) Achievable, controllable and profitable
  3. c) Challenging, emotional and constructive
  4. d) Hierarchical, attainable and effective
III. What is the most relevant application of perception
concepts to OB? (1)
  1. The perceptions people form about each other
  2. The perceptions people form about their employer
  3. The perceptions people form about their culture
  1. Goal setting theory is pioneered by (1)
  2. Stacy Adams
  3. Charms
  4. Edwin Locke
  5. F. W. Taylor
  1. The perceptions people from about society
  1. Which of the following is/are not organizational factors causing stress? (1)
  1. Task demand
  2. Role demand
  3. Role conflict
  4. Satisfaction
  5. In which stage of the conflict process does conflict become visible? (1)
  1. Illumination
  2. Intentions
  3. Behavior
  4. Cognition
VII. In ————–leadership, there is a complete centralization of authority in the leader
  1. Democratic
  2. Autocratic
  3. Free rein
  4. Bureaucratic
VIII. Which of the following is not a contingency theory of leadership?
  1. LPC theory
  2. Path Goal theory
  3. Vroom-Yetton-Jago theory
  4. Job centered Leadership
  1. A technique to bring changes in the entire organization, rather man focusing attention on individuals to bring changes easily. (1)
  2. Organizational development
  3. Organizational change
  4. Organizational culture
  5. Organizational conflicts
  1. Which one is not a Process Based Theory of motivation? (1)
  2. a) Porter Lawler Theory
  3. b) Mcclelland’s Theory
  4. c) Stacy Adams Theory
  5. d) Vroom’s Theory
Part B:
  1. Define Scientific Management. (5)
  1. Explain Management by Objectives (MBO). (5)
  1. Explain Five-Stage Model of group development. (5)
  1. Write short note on Trait Theory. (5)

IIBM MBA CASE LET ANSWER SHEETS – The perceptions people from about society

IIBM MBA CASE LET ANSWER SHEETS – The perceptions people from about society
Ms. Priyanka is a store manager of one of the fourteen Hàppy Home Furniture outlets that are located at all the major cities in the country. Her staff consists of twelve salespersons and support personnel. Each salesperson. is paid commission based on sales. All the salespersons are expected to do other tasks, such as assisting the merchandise manager, arranging the displays, and handling customer complaints. These tasks, and a few others, are to be shared equally among the sales persons.
The store’s sales target is established at the headquarters of the furniture chain. This target is divided by the number of salespersons and each is expected to meet his or her personal target Mr. Ranjan, is the top salesperson at the outlet. When he misses his sales goal, which seldom happens, the store’s target is usually not met. Ranjan, however, often does not help in doing the common tasks, much to the frustration of the other eleven salespeople, who feel that if they do not handle the common tasks, they will be fired.
Recently, Ms. Priyanka noticed that one of her salespeople, Mr. Manish„ made careless errors, neglected clients, and did not do his share of the common tasks. When confronted by the store manager, he complained about Mr. Ranjan., who, in his opinion, got away with doing almost nothing. After this discussion, Ms. Priyanka began to observe the salespersons more closely and noticed that most of them neglected their work and were not cooperative.
The store manager felt that something had to be done. A talk with Mr. Ranjan had little effect. Yet, the store needed Ranjan because of his excellent sales record. On the other hand, the morale of the other salespersons had begun to deteriorate.


  1. What Should Ms. Priyanka do? (10)
  2. What are the standards of performance? Should they be changed? If so, in what ways? (10
  1. Ketan Parekh had worked his way up through the technical arm of ANC Company to become chief Engineer and the General Manager of the Avionics Division. He was an important inventor and innovator, in basic frequency-modulated continuous wave (FM-CW) Doppler radar technology. This Fm-cw technology gave Avionics a world leadership position in Doppler radar equipment design and production, All Avionics equipment design were state of the art at the time of their design, a result of the importance research and development engineering for the department’s future.
As the division grew and Avionics’s success with Doppler systems brought large increases in sales, Mr. Ketan’s preoccupations became considerably more managerially than technical. He began to reassess some of his own thinking about organizations. The organization appeared too weak, both structurally and managerially, to cope with the increasing complexity of his
division’s activities. Mr. Ketan was finding it impossible to cope with the number of major decisions that had to be made. Six major programs and several minor ones were in different stages of design and/or production. All had different customers, sometimes in different countries. Every program’s product although they were all Doppler radar systems, was significantly different from every other one, particularly in its technology. Nevertheless the programs had to share manufacturing facilities, major items of capital equipment, and specialized functions. Mr. Ketan felt he had to find some way to force the whole decision process down to some level below his own.
  1. What is the principal problem with ANC’s existing organizational Structure? (10)
  2. How can the matrix form of organization assist Mr. Ketan? (10)
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
  1. What are the components of attitude? How does attitude determine the behavior of an individual? (15)
  2. Explain the factors that affect an organizational climate. What are the determinants of job satisfaction of employees inside the organization? (15)
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